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EMIL vom Salvenblick FCI - "Emil"

(Export Principality of Liechtenstein)

- from hunting performance breeding -

ÖDHK RD25710A - SHSB / LOT 7746521


GS ÖGS HACh BSS WUTWorkCh VIVA LA VIDA Pemiko x BRUTUS from Salvenblick FCI

Breeding license granted!

Emil (3).jpg
Achievement mark :
SCHF - bullet resistance test
AT-SP - track volume test in Austria (100P - 1st price)
CH-Wa.T. - Water test in Switzerland (32P - 1st price)
CH-SchwhK 500m TKJ sweat test of the Swiss Hunting Association
Wire hair standard
Color: dark-white
Date of birth: 08.03.2019
Form value:
Chest: 43cm
Weight: 8.5kg
full-toothed pincer bite
OI free
crdPRA free
EMIL lives in the Principality of Liechtenstein and has to do his district work there.
He loves people and children at the same time, Emil wants to be there everywhere; a really great flexible family / hunting dog.
When it comes to hunting, Emil is full of joy as soon as Herrle picks up his green things, then he switches over and is there! Incidentally, a bomb can hit Emil next to him, he remains calm and fearless.

Emil is one of the "kind" who can walk without a leash without any problems. The obedience works seamlessly, be it the filing, command `foot´ and also the free run. All around a calm and totally balanced dachshund.
Its track loudness is clear.
Emil's main task is welding, in which he will continue to be encouraged and tested in 2021. His will to track is pretty sure, which he shows by barking dead at the end. He was trained to be a death barker.
Despite his really good behavior in everyday life, Emil also has a pronounced wildness. Whether chamois, wild boar, red deer or roe deer, Emil will definitely stay tuned. In general, he does not like to trade his hunting season.
Even if Emil was able to gain experience underground, this should not be his main task.
Emil was able to successfully pass the water test as well as the Swiss sweat test at the local hunting association in 2020 in a length of 500m. Having passed this sweat test, he has now qualified for the 1000m track. It's all a little different in Switzerland ...

In 2021 Emil was able to pass the track loudness test in Austria with 100P in the first prize without any problems. There will be more tests to follow, we can look forward to it.
Emil has had the breeding license in Switzerland since October 2020 and is ready to cover healthy bitches there.
The 32 ancestors listed in his pedigree, with a generation depth of 5, have a total of
15 x winners (GS)
7 x international work champions (CIT)
6 x Hungarian work champion (HACh)
2 x Austrian Utility Winner (ÖGS)
2 x overall winner RINYA KUPA (combination test construction / sow / water Hungary)
1 x overall winner of the European Cup (quasi the world championship using the WUT)
1 x Federal Search Winner Austria (BSS)
1 x French work champion (FACh)
1 x Norwegian / Finnish / Danish / Nordic utility winner
next to some still countless foreign usage tests as well as not to be despised beauty titles!
A dachshund that has really pulled through on the hunt and performance!
Owner: Simon Marxer -
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